Coolant is the generally accepted term for the liquid that absorbs heat from the engine and releases it through the radiator. As coolant circulates through the system, it transfers heat to the radiator and into the air. The liquid is cooled, fed back to the engine through the cooling system, and the cycle repeats. Coolant should be checked for both pH levels and strength at regular intervals, then serviced accordingly.
Even so-called long-life coolants have been known to lose their effectiveness prematurely. See your owner’s manual or call one of our service advisors for more information. Low and used coolant also causes your vehicle to be less fuel efficient. In some cases this can decrease your miles per gallon by up to 10%. If your coolant is left unchanged for too long, this may result in a chemical condition known as electrolysis, which can result in costly repairs or even an engine replacement.
From a safety standpoint, an overheated engine won't pose a problem for other motorists, but it could leave you stranded with no warning. From an environmental point of view, there is significant impact. Leaking engine coolant is poisonous and could be ingested by children, pets and other animals.